Monday, May 5, 2008

Birth plans

Brian and I just finished lamaze. I wasn't going to take the class but my husband insisted since he thought we'd learn more than just breathing and guess what, he was completely right. The one thing it made us do was sit down and write out birth plan -- well, I didn't write it -- I went to this website and generated one. It gave us a good glimpse of stuff we need to prep like packing my bags, reading breast feeding books and getting a list of numbers of ppl that Brian can call. We're also opting to not have anyone visit us until we're home if I'm only there for 48 hours.

I'm not going to post it for the world to see but I will tell you I am opting for an epidural so I am not too worried about what position I'm going to have this baby in. Brian has been advised to be at the baby's side every min. after he's born because I won't be too mobile due to the epidural.

I'm noticing my baby is less active today. He's running out of room. I had to drink two large glasses of orange juice because it was freaking me out. It also might be because I'm moving around alot today. Once I downed the OJ, he starts his moving. Maybe he's growing and just sleeping alot? Who knows. Brian thinks I'm freaking for now reason and he's probably right.


Unknown said...

The baby will have it's slow days from now on. I remember freaking out and drinking OJ. It's totally normal.

Alissa Maxwell said...

I'm glad you guys got through Lamaze. It will make a difference regardless of what pain meds you use. And no worries about Brian having to stick by the baby - there's no nursery at St Charles, so baby will be in your room the whole time. They only take them out for one test, and YES, you will want Brian to go with him. I hope I'm on the list to call!