Thursday, July 10, 2008

Doing his part to lessen his carbon footprint.

So cloth diapers are going great except that my baby (who only poops every other day or so) decided to start pooping on a regular basis meaning a few yucky diapers! I know, TMI. Anyway, we're using Bumpkin All-in-One cloth diapers. My mother-in-law was amazed at how far they have come in 23 years since she has used them.

Anyways, you have to rinse the yucky diapers in cold water so they don't set and use spray and wash so they don't stain. There is a flushable insert I put in that helps (I need to find out where to order these online).

We installed a clothes line so we can naturally dry them. I feel awesome for not filling the landfill too!

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